
New Website Coming Soon!!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Hello lovelies!!

I know that I have been neglecting my blog lately and I apologize!!

The reason is that I'm busy putting the final touches on my new website which will have a built in blog.

A part of this process included getting some headshots done by the very talented Melissa Toye. From what I've seen so far she did an amazing job making me look great!! I should also credit the equally talented Erica Wright who did my make up (and who will forever be on speed dial for all my future make up needs).

Look! That's me practicing my model look. Now I know how you guys all feel in front of the camera :)

Thanks for your patience and don't hesitate to contact me for any information, questions or just to chat.

Check out my Facebook page for sneak peaks of my recent sessions.


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